Our Top 10 Most Popular IT Articles

(Last Updated On: August 10, 2023)

We’ve compiled a list of our most read and shared blog posts. These IT articles cover tons of different topics ranging from EDI communication to Productivity Apps to ERP Implementations to IT Business Tools.

False Advertisement: The Truth about ERP Implementations

This article really touched upon the negative experiences of ERP implementations at businesses. It goes on to answer the question: “Why do companies have such terrible software implementation experiences?” Our experts’ conclusion was that either their ERP Provider is only providing them with half-truths about implementations to sell their own products OR business executives make their own assumptions and do not do the proper research required beforehand. Getting the RIGHT and TRUTHFUL information from IT Providers as well as doing your own research on implementations is absolutely critical. Read more to get the real story behind those false statements about ERP Implementations.

What would you like your Management System to do?

Another one of our most mopular IT articles dealt with answering the question “what do you want your management system to do for your business?” This is a great question that not many business executives answer right away (before they implement a system). Many agree to an upgraded ERP system because it’s “time” and we live in an age where it’s known that the right IT tools can make a difference for a company. However, it’s important to list what differences you want to see in your own company. It’s about listing your current pain points and problems (issues that your company faces today or that you foresee in the future). This list will allow your IT team to focus on solving these problems with the right business IT solutions.

Business Tech Terms Defined [Infographic]

This article features two infographics, created by our team at Namtek Consulting Services, that include a list of business technology terms. These infographics cover terms under 4 main IT categories: Cloud, Software, EDI and Business Continuity.

Why our customers love their BI Dashboards integrated into their ERP Suite

This short blog post explains how we transformed our ERP Management Suite, ErpWizard, into a solution even more complete and effective with a Business Intelligence tool from Tableau Software. We mention why our customers, who are currently using this complete suite, love everything about it.

Finding the Middle Ground with EDI Software & Services

Our team of EDI consultants have heard their fair share of complaints about the options available to businesses when it comes to EDI. When companies are looking to get started using EDI, they find 3 options that are available to them:

  1. Buy an EDI translator for their in-house IT/EDI developers
  2. Go with a large EDI vendor to outsource your EDI services
  3. Develop a homegrown EDI Software system, in-house.

We take a look at all 3 options and provide you with their Pros and Cons; then we introduce you to Option #4 – EDI2XML Translation Service.

The Year’s Best Productivity Apps [FUN Friday Infographic]

There are constantly new mobile apps being developed (and sometimes it’s hard to keep track of them all!). Our team shared their favourite apps on the market today that help with increasing productivity. These apps help users complete tasks faster, set reminders and work as a group. Check out this great infographic!

Is your business safe from Ice Storms, Power Outages & Other Unexpected Events?

If you are used to freezing cold winters, blizzards, ice storms and other winter marvels, then you need to read this article. We wrote about what can happen to your business if you are not well prepared to handle these extreme weather conditions. We explore the world of Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery to ensure the overall security of your company data and recovery process.

Bringing EDI To Your Business in 2016

Still going back and forth with your decision to begin exchanging business documents via EDI? We help you get started with a list of questions to ask your Trading Partner as well as your IT department or EDI Provider. We also give you some advice and recommendations so you can have all the right information right from the start.

Can Small Businesses afford a Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Solution?

Due to the big changes we’ve been seeing in software accessibility and affordability, we asked ourselves why smaller companies are still not taking the necessary precautions when it comes to their backup and recovery? Using old tapes and drives won’t cut it anymore if a major disaster strikes; recovery can take weeks or months, which is unacceptable. In this article, we give small business owners a few great reasons to write up a Disaster Recovery plan and implement an affordable Business Continuity Solution.

Top 4 Game-Changing Business Tools

We were tired of only seeing large enterprises having all the fun with business apps and software tools over the years. Our team decided it was about time smaller businesses enjoyed using some of these tools as well. We listed 4 game-changing business tools for SMEs to improve performance and processes; Business Intelligence & Analytics tools, eCommerce Store, ERP Management Suite and a Business Continuity Solution.


Be sure to give these a read before we start coming out with tons of new blogs in 2016 from our IT experts at Namtek Consulting Services!