
It’s no secret that efficiency is the key to staying competitive. As businesses seek to streamline operations and improve their customers’ experience, the integration of ERP (enterprise resource planning) and e-commerce has been a game-changer.

In this article, we’ll explore how this integration can transform your business operations and make your life as a business owner much smoother.

Understanding the Need for Integration

When businesses use separate systems that “don’t talk” to each other, it’s like having different puzzle pieces from various sets that don’t fit together. These disconnected systems are called “siloed systems”.

When your ERP and e-commerce platforms operate independently, essential information becomes trapped in “data islands”, thus, employees spend valuable time manually transferring and keying-in information between systems. These manual processes not only introduce the possibility of data errors but also contribute to delays in data availability, impeding real-time insights.

That’s why integrating your business system with your e-commerce platform is like putting all those puzzle pieces into one big, clear picture. It helps to run smoothly and makes your business much more effective.

ERP integration

ERP and E-commerce Connection

The connection between ERP and e-commerce is vital for modern business success. ERP systems handle different tasks like managing stock and money matters.

Here are a few examples of popular branded ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems that are widely used by businesses:

SAP ERP: SAP is one of the most well-known and widely used ERP systems globally. It offers a comprehensive suite of modules to manage various aspects of business operations, including finance, supply chain, human resources, and more.

Oracle ERP Cloud: Oracle’s ERP Cloud provides a scalable and flexible solution for businesses of all sizes. It offers modules for financial management, procurement, project management, and more, all accessible through the cloud.

Microsoft Dynamics 365: Microsoft’s ERP solution, part of the Dynamics 365 suite, offers modules for financial management, supply chain, sales, and customer service. It’s known for its integration with other Microsoft products and its user-friendly interface.

NetSuite: Oracle’s NetSuite is a cloud-based ERP system that caters to various industries. It covers financial management, e-commerce, CRM, and more in a single integrated platform.

Infor CloudSuite: Infor provides a range of industry-specific ERP solutions, such as CloudSuite Manufacturing, CloudSuite Healthcare, and others. These systems are designed to meet the unique needs of different sectors.

Epicor ERP: Epicor offers ERP solutions tailored to manufacturing, distribution, retail, and service industries. Its system helps streamline operations, from supply chain to customer management.

IFS Applications: IFS specializes in solutions for industries like aerospace, defense, manufacturing, and more. Its ERP system covers everything from project management to service management.

Acumatica: Acumatica is a cloud-based ERP system known for its flexibility and customizable modules. It offers solutions for financial management, distribution, CRM, and more.

These are just a few examples, and the choice of ERP system depends on the specific needs and industry of the business. Each of these systems offers various features and benefits to help businesses manage and optimize their operations.

On the other hand, e-commerce platforms are the virtual storefronts that enable businesses to sell their products and services online. These platforms not only facilitate online transactions but also foster meaningful interactions with customers through features like reviews, personalized recommendations, and customer support. E-commerce has transformed the way businesses reach their target audience and generate revenue.

Benefits of ERP and E-commerce Integration

Integrating ERP system and e-commerce comes with several benefits for businesses.

  1. Increased Operational Efficiency: Integrating your systems reduces manual work and errors. No more entering the same data multiple times!
  2. Real-time Data Insights: Imagine making decisions based on up-to-the-minute data. Integrated systems give you accurate insights for smarter choices.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience: Integrated systems mean your customers get a smoother buying experience, from placing orders to getting updates.
  4. Improved Inventory Management: No more guessing games with inventory. Integrated systems give you real-time inventory updates.

e-commerce ERP integration

ERP and E-commerce: Custom vs. Generic Integration

Achieving successful integration between ERP system and e-commerce requires strategic planning and careful execution. To start, it’s crucial to choose the right technology that aligns with your business needs.

When considering integration strategies, a dilemma often arises: “custom approach or use of ready-made applications”.

Here’s the secret sauce: custom integration. While generic connectors can work, they might not fit your business like a tailored suit. With custom integration, we create a solution that matches your business needs perfectly.

Customization allows tailored alignment with your business processes, enabling a precise fit that pre-built solutions might not achieve.

USEFUL: Shopify Integration with ERP/CRM system

Custom integrations offer flexibility to accommodate unique requirements, evolving alongside your business. Furthermore, custom integration empowers you to optimize workflows and data flow according to your specific needs, ultimately boosting efficiency and effectiveness.

In essence, while both approaches have their merits, custom integration stands out for its accuracy, security, stability and smooth operation that is tailored to your business needs.

ERP integration: Steps to Get Started

Embarking on the journey of integrating your existing ERP system and e-commerce can be straightforward with the right approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide for businesses looking to streamline their operations through integration:

Assess Your Integration Needs

Begin by understanding your business requirements and objectives. Identify pain points, bottlenecks, and areas where integration could make a significant impact.

Choose a Reliable Integration Partner

If you’re not an integration specialist, don’t worry. Companies like Namtek Consulting Services specialize in seamless business systems and e-commerce integrations. You don’t need to have internal integration expertise; simply turn to experienced providers like Namtek to handle the entire process for you.

Plan the Integration

Collaborate closely with your chosen integration partner to design a tailored integration plan. This plan should address data mapping, synchronization, and customization to align with your specific business processes.

Data Mapping and Field Matching

Work together with your integration provider to map data fields between your ERP and e-commerce. This ensures that information moves accurately and consistently between platforms.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Carefully test the integration before going live. This helps identify and address any issues, ensuring a smooth transition.

Deployment and Training

Once testing is successful, implement the integration. Train your teams to ensure they understand how to use the integrated systems effectively.

Ongoing Support

A reliable integration partner like Namtek provides ongoing support to address any post-implementation issues and ensure smooth operation.

By partnering with an experienced integration provider, you can simplify the entire integration process. You don’t need to be an integration specialist yourself; Namtek offers turnkey integration solutions that cater to your unique business needs. With Namtek’s expertise, businesses can seamlessly align their ERP system and e-commerce platform, unlocking enhanced efficiency, improved accuracy, and a streamlined operation overall.

Successful Integration with Namtek Consulting Services

There are many ERP systems like SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft Dynamics, and popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and Amazon. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the right integration approach. Don’t wait—unlock the power of integrated ERP system and e-commerce platform. Contact us today for your free consultation.

Consultation Gratuite


Integrating Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems can bring numerous benefits to business. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why companies need ERP and CRM integration.

What is ERP and CRM?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) are two critical business systems used by companies to manage and optimize their operations.

ERP is a comprehensive software solution that helps organizations manage their core business processes, including finance, procurement, human resources, and supply chain management. It provides a single, centralized view of all data and processes, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and improve their efficiency.

On the other hand, CRM is a software solution that helps organizations manage their interactions and relationships with customers. It provides a centralized view of customer data, including sales, marketing, and support activities, enabling organizations to better understand their customers and improve the customer experience.

By combining the capabilities of ERP and CRM, organizations can drive better business outcomes and gain a competitive advantage.

It is important to note that some software manufacturers have included CRM capabilities and features within their ERP software to have the best of both worlds.

Business Systems Integration Services

What is CRM and ERP Integration?

CRM and ERP integration refers to the process of connecting these two business systems. The goal of this integration is to provide a single, centralized view of all customer and business data, allowing companies to make informed decisions and improve their operations.

By integrating their CRM and ERP systems, organizations can eliminate data duplication, improve data accuracy, and streamline their processes. CRM and ERP integration enables organizations to automate workflows, synchronize customer and business data.

Example of ERP and CRM Integration

For example, NetSuite is a powerful system that can automate and optimize many of a company’s business processes. However, it can be even more powerful when integrated with other ERP and CRM systems.

When NetSuite is integrated with an ERP system such as SAP, it can provide a seamless flow of information between the two systems. This may include finance, supply chain, and inventory management. In addition, integrating NetSuite with a CRM system such as Salesforce can provide a unified view of customer data, allowing you to manage sales, marketing, and customer service more effectively.

In addition, integration can also automate the flow of data between systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry, reducing errors and saving time. This can lead to a more efficient and effective workflow, improving the bottom line of the business.

Benefits of ERP and CRM Integration

By combining the capabilities of CRM and ERP, companies can gain a competitive advantage and drive better business outcomes.

Improved data accuracy and consistency

Integrating ERP and CRM systems provides a single source of truth for customer and operational data. This leads to improved data accuracy and consistency, which can drive better decision-making and increased operational efficiency.

Enhanced customer experience

By integrating customer data from the CRM system into the ERP system, organizations can gain a more comprehensive view of their customers, including their purchasing history, preferences, and interactions with the company. This information can be used to improve the customer experience by providing more personalized service and offerings.

Increased operational efficiency

Integrating ERP and CRM systems can help organizations streamline their operations by eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors. Automating workflows and data transfer between systems can also reduce the time and resources required to complete tasks, freeing up employees to focus on other tasks.

Better sales and marketing alignment

Integrating ERP and CRM systems allows sales and marketing teams to share information and collaborate more effectively. Sales teams can access customer data from the CRM system, including lead and opportunity information, and use it to inform their sales strategy. Marketing teams can use the data from the ERP system to better understand customer behavior and improve their marketing efforts.

Improved financial reporting

Integrating ERP and CRM systems provides a comprehensive view of financial and customer data, making it easier for companies to generate financial reports and analyze their performance. This can help organizations make more informed decisions and improve their financial performance.

Streamline Operations with Magic xpi: The Ultimate Solution for ERP and CRM Integration

One of the best solutions for integrating ERP and CRM systems is Magic xpi. Magic xpi is an integration platform that allows companies to easily connect and integrate multiple systems, including ERP and CRM. With Magic xpi, companies can automate workflows, synchronize data between disparate business systems, and integrate with a wide range of applications, databases, and systems.

USEFUL READING: Magic xpi Integration Platform: The Best Fit for Enterprise Data Integration

Magic xpi offers a visual drag-and-drop visual interface, allowing users to easily build and manage integrations without needing to write code. Additionally, Magic xpi offers pre-built connectors, making it easier and faster to integrate systems. By using Magic xpi, organizations can improve their operational efficiency, streamline their processes, and drive better business outcomes.

ERP and CRM Integration

What is the Most Widely Used ERP Systems?

Some of the most popular Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems include:


SAP is one of the largest ERP providers in the world, SAP ERP, SAP Business One, and SAP S/4HANA offers a comprehensive solution for managing core business processes.

Oracle ERP

Oracle provides a suite of ERP solutions such as Oracle NetSuite, Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP, Oracle JD Edwards including financials, procurement, and supply chain management, to help companies manage their operations.

Microsoft Dynamics ERP

Microsoft Dynamics ERP offers a range of solutions for small, medium, and large organizations, including finance, supply chain management, and human resources.

Infor ERP

Infor provides a range of industry-specific ERP solutions to help organizations manage their operations and gain a competitive advantage.

What is the Most Popular CRM?

Some of the most popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems include:

Salesforce CRM

Salesforce is a leading CRM system that provides a comprehensive view of customer interactions and helps organizations manage their sales, marketing, and customer service activities.

Hubspot CRM

Hubspot is all-in-one CRM solution that helps organizations manage their customer interactions and improve the customer experience.


A flexible CRM software that can be customized to fit the needs of any business.

Zoho CRM

Zoho is a cloud-based CRM solution that provides a range of sales, marketing, and customer service capabilities to help organizations manage their customer relationships.

Pipedrive CRM

Pipedrive is a sales-focused CRM solution that helps organizations manage their sales processes and improve their productivity.

These are just a few examples of the most popular business systems. Organizations must choose the system that best suits their needs and fits within their budget.

Conclusion: How to Improve Your Business Outcomes with ERP and CRM Integration

At Namtek Consulting Services, we offer comprehensive business systems integration services to help organizations improve their operations and drive better business outcomes. Our team of experts has extensive experience integrating ERP and CRM systems, as well as other critical systems and applications.

Our integration solutions are designed to meet the unique needs of each organization and can be customized to fit their specific requirements.

We use the latest integration tools and technologies, including Magic xpi, to ensure a smooth and seamless integration process.

Contact us to learn more about our integration services and how we can benefit your business.


What is System Integration?

business-process-integrationSystem integration is the process of bringing multiple systems or applications into one, allowing them to work together. The goal is so that every system that is being used at the company, be it your CRM, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Warehouse Management, B2C eStore, EDI, etc., will be using a single database. This reduces the need to constantly update different systems and resort to many hours of manual data entry. In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s crucial that companies have management applications that can speak with one another and share information between them. This results in better visibility and accessibility of information, faster decision-making, reduced redundancies, increased efficiency and more.

Most of the time however we don’t just leave it at “system” integration but expand it to be “business process” integration. We encourage businesses to not only synchronize their internal applications but to streamline entire processes between their departments or business functions as well as connect to their external partners, suppliers and customers.

Integration Services

It’s no wonder that Integration Services have been on the rise over the last few years. As we see more importance being placed on technology in the workplace, business managers are taking notice of the negative impact associated to the use of multiple disconnected management systems. Today businesses are looking to have one clean data set and a complete ERP management system with an integrated eCommerce Store, WMS system, EDI module, Business Intelligence dashboards and more. The effects of such a powerful integrated management solution can bring endless potential to a company and allow employees to constantly have access to real-time business information. Tech-savvy business owners are quickly realizing how to apply technological advancements in order to play them to their advantage.

System and business process integration

System and business process integration has been valuable in eliminating redundancies and making information that much more accessible to decision-makers. Nobody likes to waste time and money on inputting data into multiple systems or continuously updating and searching for information in Excel spreadsheets. On top of it all, with disconnected systems or several separate databases, companies sometimes struggle with poor customer service. More often than not, customer accounts are found to be incomplete, out of sync and/or inaccurate. By integrating systems and processes, your customer service team will have accurate, complete, real-time information right at their fingertips. As I mentioned before, it’s all about providing employees and key decision-makers with access to information.

Unfortunately, not all systems were made to be easily integrated with others (this is a capability our consultants urge business owners to tick off when looking to implement a new ERP solution). The older, inflexible legacy systems were made with limitations to integration possibilities. IT companies, back then, did their best to keep their customers coming back to buy their products rather than make it easy for them to switch to another ERP vendor or to integrate with other software solutions. Essentially, companies felt like prisoners to the technologies they were using.

Today, IT Providers are trying to dissociate themselves from this old way and develop solutions that are much more flexible, simple and easy to work with or integrate with. Companies should no longer feel restricted by the business technologies they are using but rather they should feel empowered by them. System integration is a must for any company looking to streamline their processes and increase visibility and efficiency.

To learn more about how our Integration Experts can help your business, contact us today for a free 1-hour consultation.


Common mistakes ERP softwareWe’ve all heard our fair share of nightmare stories when it comes to new software, more specifically Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), implementations. What we don’t often hear, however, are the mistakes that were made during this project that could have been avoided. In many of these stories, the blame is put on the Software Provider or on employees who resist change and the system. However, there are some mistakes that business executives make that can affect the outcome of an ERP software implementation.

Here are 5 common mistakes that business leaders make throughout a new software project;

  1. They opt out of End User Training and After-Sales Support

Before any implementation project begins, a Software Provider will approach the management team with various support plans to choose from. These discounted plans will include billable hours for end user training and post-implementation support. It is up to the customer to choose which plan they’d like to have, depending on the amount of hours they request for support and training for themselves and for all their system users. In many cases, however, in order to keep costs down, executives will opt out of any support plan (which in turn opts them out of end user training for their employees). This is a huge mistake that many business leaders make. Without proper user support and thorough end user training sessions, the chances of user resistance and low productivity increase. If employees don’t fully know how to use the system to its full potential, then companies won’t realize the full benefits of an ERP system, but rather will experience decreased individual performance and thus decreased overall productivity.

In the end, by saving on the support plan, they are losing out more in the long run. End user training and proper support can alleviate stress and combat fears of employees, associated to using a new system, and allows them to accept this big change. It also teaches them the necessary skills to prevent any problems in the system and to efficiently handle unexpected issues with confidence. Never forget that a software system is nothing without its users. System users are the key to unlocking the benefits and improvements that a good software system can bring to a company. Invest in your end users and never pass up on support and training plans. It’s an investment you’ll be happy you made in the long run.

  1. Lack of participation from business leaders

In our very own ‘Process to Succeed’ guideline that we share with customers prior to any new ERP software implementation, we stress the importance of top-level management participation during the planning process as well as throughout the implementation phase. This is a prerequisite to any of our large software implementations, in order for our customers to achieve a successful implementation. What does this participation include? We understand that business owners and executives are extremely busy with their day-to-day tasks and therefore won’t have the time to constantly be working on the implementation project (and we don’t expect them to). Normally, companies will put together a small internal team of about 5 (or less) employees, from various departments, to manage and overlook the ERP implementation project. This is great! The participation that we require from top management comes more in the form of support, motivation and encouragement. Company owners, executives and managers need to have their own confidence in using the system and share their excitement and knowledge with their team, especially when they see them frustrated or afraid of the new changes ahead. Management should remain unified in support of the project and should continuously encourage their employees to not give up and learn all they can about new processes and the new system. During the end user training periods, it would also be helpful if management can alleviate their team, for a short period of time, from regular responsibilities, in order to take the necessary time to get properly trained by the Software Provider.

  1. Leaving it all in the hands of the IT Software Provider

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again and again and again…a software implementation, especially one as large as a full ERP implementation, is only successful if ALL parties participate since everyone in a company will be affected by the change. Similar to mistake #2 above, every team member, even the leaders, needs to have some sort of involvement in the implementation project. It requires synchronous collaboration, which involves the IT team and the business team working together simultaneously and remaining in constant communication as the project progresses, to ensure everything internally is running smoothly and everyone’s needs are being met. Employees are the ones that know the business processes inside out; the IT team is there to help streamline, automate and integrate those processes. It’s important to explain to employees how their participation and role in the project will influence its success. This will give them a sense of commitment to the project and hopefully instil a positive attitude towards the system and implementation process, which is definitely welcome.

  1. Having unrealistic expectations of timelines and costs

Every software implementation is unique. During a new project, Software Providers deal with a new company, new business people, new processes, new requests and new expectations. The business as a whole may be similar to other companies but an implementation is never the exact same from company to company. It’s absolutely critical to share all of your expectations and assumptions you have of the new system and the implementation phase. This includes any timelines, costs, benefits, project roles, etc. By sharing all of this with the IT Provider, they’ll be able to set things straight right from the start. For example, if you were expecting an implementation phase to only last 1 month, the IT Provider, from experience and expertise in the field, may come back to you with a more realistic timeline of 3 months. Therefore, you won’t be disappointed and frustrated when the implementation lasts longer than your 1-month expectation. The Software Provider will also share all of their expectations from your team and of the project as a whole. Together you’ll come up with realistic goals and expectations for your specific case, allowing everyone to be on the exact same page.

Talk with your Software Provider first and get their input on timeframes and realistic expectations, as they can provide their expertise on the matter and knowledge from previous experiences.

  1. Beginning the new software project without a plan of action & workflow

It is never a good idea to start ANY project without a plan of action. So why start an ERP implementation without one? What every business leader should do is;

  • Sit down with the Software Provider to discuss and outline the complete process or plan of action for the implementation phase and create a workflow
  • Identify everyone’s role and responsibility throughout the implementation phase
  • Share the plan of action with all involved parties, along with their roles and responsibilities
  • Properly educate all employees (or users of the new system) about any change in business processes that will affect their day-to-day work life.

It’s best if companies have a well-designed plan before starting the project, accounting for minor changes, in order to avoid confusion, frustrations, increased costs, etc. Major software or process changes should all be accounted for during the outline of the plan of action. Inform all employees of the coming changes so they aren’t surprised and can have time to accept these changes.

If you’re a leader of a company, looking to implement a new software system, don’t make these common 5 mistakes. Contact us today for more information.

We know that many of you probably stick with your current IT Provider, even if you aren’t truly satisfied with them and their software solutions. What should you do then when they mention that it’s time to upgrade your existing on-premises ERP system? Should you go ahead with it or should you look into perhaps upgrading to a cloud-based SaaS ERP solution? Read more

At this point in time, I’d say that most of our readers know what EDI is. We’ve written tons of articles and continuously provide educational resources on it. If you are still unsure of what EDI is and what it can do for your business, please refer to our EDI slide presentation or download our Intro to EDI guide to get better acquainted with this business communication method. Read more

We are true ‘Cloud’ lovers here at Namtek Consulting Services! We have seen first-hand the many benefits that our customers, big and small, have realized with our cloud offerings – from our EDI2XML service to our ErpWizard system in the cloud. Read more

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.


When speaking about a new software implementation, a bank of hours for end-user training is typically brought up in the discussion. More often, IT Software Providers will refer to this service as optional, leaving business executives with the belief that the training is unimportant or not fully necessary for a successful implementation. This false perception associated to user training can later causes issues for the company, such as user resistance, unsuccessful implementation or not fully understanding the system benefits, as originally promised by the IT Software Provider.

Read more

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

We love eCommerce Stores and we love EDI services. Who knew that we’d love them both even more by integrating the two! Read more

We know the term “ERP” is still commonly associated to large enterprises and can come with some pretty bad past experiences by many business executives. Hopefully, this article will shed some light on ERP solutions and implementations in today’s small business environment, as systems and implementation processes have evolved. Small businesses are finally taking advantage […]



erpWizard is a complete and comprehensive ERP software, designed to meet the needs of small and mid-size businesses.