
This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

We love eCommerce Stores and we love EDI services. Who knew that we’d love them both even more by integrating the two! Read more

How the latest Business Continuity Solutions Have Changed the Way We Backup & Restore Company Data

Technological advancements have truly changed the way businesses are able to backup and restore their sensitive company data. The demand shifted from simply needing a backup system to a backup AND restoration solution. This is because, in today’s fast-moving, dynamic and competitive business environment, traditional backup methods, like tapes and drives, are simply not enough. Business people need to know that: 1. Their backups are working properly and are taken at multiple times a day and 2. They can easily and quickly restore any and all lost data (be it a single file or an entire server) at a moment’s notice. Read more

There comes a point in time when you’ve finally chosen the right ERP management system for your business but the IT provider asks you whether you also want a BI & Analytics solution as an add-on to the system. What should you do?

Many out-of-the-box ERP software suites do have its own analytics & reporting features but they are not as specialized and complete as a separate Business Intelligence add-on solution. What I always suggest to customers is to properly distinguish between the two – what is your ERP system used for and what is your BI solution used for? Read more

It’s hard to ignore all these new tools and apps on the market used for personal or business use. Take a look at Slack, a great communications platform for office use, or Hubspot, for marketing automation and CRM, or even Hootsuite, for social media automation. All of these tools have grown exponentially over the last few years in the business world. There are many more game-changing business trends ahead and today’s list is built on ‘integration’, ‘automation’, ‘visualization’, ‘SaaS’, and ‘disaster recovery’. These trends are nothing new; they are simply making their way to the smaller players. Large enterprises have had their fun with their tools and apps over the years; it’s time the smaller businesses have some fun as well. I’ll focus on the top 4 game-changing tools that will be used by small and medium businesses in the coming year and how these tools will change processes and performance for the better. Here we go; Read more

Here are 4 tips to help you simplify your business processes and increase efficiency in the workplace by leveraging business technology. It’s all about choosing the right management system and integrating it with add-ons, like an eCommerce Store and Mobile Applications. See the infographic below: Read more

EDI_eCommerceCompanies are relying more and more on technologies and for good reason. The power of software automation and integration can enhance a company’s overall efficiency and improve B2B and B2C relationships. One such example comes with the integration of EDI and eCommerce Read more

Back-to-School-Online-ShoppingIt’s that time of year again! School is starting next week for many elementary kids and soon after for everyone else. Parents know the drill; new clothes, new school supplies, new books, new electronics, etc. One way many parents are ticking off their back-to-school lists quickly is by browsing and shopping ONLINE via desktop and mobile devices. Read more

eCommerceI know, I know – we are only in July, so why are we mentioning the upcoming winter Holiday Season already? Well, if you want to implement an eCommerce Store in order start selling online by winter you definitely should start planning, desigining, implementing and marketing the eStore NOW. Read more

Check out an infographic on eCommerce and mobile Commerce Stores, created by our team. Learn about the importance of implementing an eStore for all those online and mobile consumers who love to browse and shop from their desktop computers or mobile devices at any time of the day.

Not sure if your business is running as efficiently as possible? Request a FREE one-on-one consultation session with our in-house experts.

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"Sorry we're closed" Recently, all we keep hearing about are the bankruptcies of reputable, well-established retail businesses and the closing of brick and mortar stores. The most recent examples include Mexx Canada, Boutique Jacob, SmartSet and many others. Most of these big-name companies seemed to have struggled to keep up with the changing retail environment causing them to fall way behind. Read more