
In this article, following my previous blog “Data Restore and Disaster Recovery: Is your business protected?”, I will go a step further and explain why it’s important for business owners and enterprise executives to have a business continuity solution at their company and how to find the right one for their business. Read more

In this article, I will share what I have learnt over the years about data backup and security, restore and disaster recovery. Hopefully, I will be able to answer a few of your questions that I have heard many times before from small and medium-sized business executives. I will also address how all 3 of these processes are different from a true business continuity solution.
I will begin by focusing on each of these topics separately and then move on to discuss their limitations. Read more

Data Backup and Restore: Is your Business Continuity guaranteed?

Today’s business environment is very competitive, as lead-time to deliver, response time, and quality and speed of customer service are all becoming critical factors for the success of any enterprise. More and more small and mid-sized enterprises are continuously faced with new challenges in which they have to overcome in order to compete and progress in their industry.

One of the critical challenges for SMEs is to make sure that the data and systems used to run their day-to-day business operations are safe. Finding solutions to safeguarding their systems continuity and recovery after an IT failure or a major disaster that might happen to their servers or critical workstations is needed.

Certainly any company can restore its data after a failure, however the key to any truly successful restoration is the amount of time it takes. Therefore, how can companies shorten the time of recovery without major upfront investments?

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